scientific classification
kingdom: mobilia
phylum: samsunga
class: flipa
order: grayscalaga
suborder: bluelightaga
family: heavynieus
genus: ugly
species: brick
circa 2001
does anyone remember these? these phones, which were around when i was 11 years old, had black and white screens. whenever you touched a button, the screen lit up in a, actually, rather aesthetically pleasing blue. menus are a mess and sending text messages with the clearly ancient t9 can be quite strenuous, but when you have graphic intensive games such as push push and fly ribbon and spider hunter pre-installed, who cares? did i mention its solid feel and soft silver sheen?
this, my friend, is a true piece of work. one that i have been using because verizon wouldn't give me a new
glyde. not that i wanted one anyways, but it sure beats this fossil. well, july 12th, or sometime,
verizon's releasing the new blackberry tour.
i'm a big boy now.
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