mochi ice cream balls

whoever thought up of mochi ice cream balls is a genius. have you had one? let me describe it to you.

there is this tasty doughy exterior that envelops an inner ball of icecream. the dough part is hard to describe--it's a chewy, stickyish, sweet dough not unlike cookie dough but more firm. there's a coating of flour on the outside so your fingers don't get sticky and gives it a nice texture. the ice cream inside is purely delectable. i'm not a huge ice cream person because my teeth get sensitive to cold quite easily but because of the dough wrapper part, i can preserve my teeth while eating ice cream. win win win.

it's summer now. summer of '09. this summer, for premeds, it is almost a necessity to get an internship or lab job of some sort. i do not have one. i have been busily emailing different scientists and researchers in my area which is really quite easy because san diego is bustling with research. really. come on. i have the grades. i have the sat score, if you still care about that. i have the extracurriculars. i have the awards. i don't understand. help me help you. gosh.

p.s. i realize i just sounded really arrogant. sorry. it happens.
p.s.s that previous p.s. made me sound even more of a douchebag.

i'll stop talking.