there's a lot of things i wish i could have changed. like the time i ditched to kinko's during school hours, without knowing my student government advisors were going to talk to me about how they i thought i wasn't suitable for the spot of school president, even though i was totally slated for it. or when i went to the philippines not knowing that a week after i went there, i would get the most sick i've ever gotten. or when i pretended to forge a teacher's signature for kicks only to have her think i actually tried to forge her signature...causing me to get a traumatic 6th grade.
i just finished finals. now there's nothing i can do to change the grades. grades really shouldn't be one of the most important things in life. but it is. human worth can't be quantified. but when someone tries to, it's done by grades.
i'm still in the education mindset. i'm on spring break now. thoughts about cnidarians and euglenozoans need to leave.
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