exactly. WHATEVER.
finals have just ended. they were pretty ridiculous. that is, i had 2 of my toughest finals on the same day. actually, just 27 hours ago i was slaving away over my honors final essay and just 30 minutes before that i was trying to remember if PCR stood for polymerase chain reaction or pakistani croquet rash. okay, fine. that was a lame joke...but i suppose it shows that i haven’t completely decayed into a real premed.
no. you’re right. i have.
for the past 1.5 weeks, i have inhabited the library like blagojevich will inhabit his cell. funny thing is, i usually don’t get work done in the library, and these past days are no exception. while i might be in there for a while, the fruits of my labour barely fill a fruit basket. i constantly get distracted by insignificant things such as facebook (which, i’m convinced is financed by medical schools to weed out the socially adept) and the new yorker (yes i read that intellectual bullshit).
you would think that the library is inhabited by smart people (nerds : libraries :: dwight schrute : beet farms) but really, it isn’t. all the smart people go to study where it’s quiet. the library is haven to all the people who are very good at pretending to study. like me. after 4 hours in there, i walk out thinking, “what the (fill in rowdy expletive in here) did i just read. and why the (fill in expletive that starts with f ends with uck*) is it dark already?”
thats another thing. why is it getting darker so soon? i bet it’s because medical schools want to make us even more depressed and stressed with the juxtaposition of medical school rejections and dark skies. as you can see, i am a bit cynical towards the monsters that is acceptance committees. and the people say, "oh, at such a young age."
it’s break now, and im back home. sun and surf galore. except that its cloudy. and the water’s cold.
*fire truck. geez. what were you thinking.
too bad you dont surf deedlenick
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