i'm pretty sure everyone does this.
you read the same line over and over and then you realize that you're reading the same line over and over but then you start to think why am i reading this line over and over and then while you think about why you are reading the line over and over you start to read the line over and over and then you look at the line that you were reading over and over and then realize that you have no fucking idea what you just read and so you're forced to re-read everything you reread but in the process of re-reading your phone goes off and you answer it and in the process of talking to your so called friend who actually is quite a bitch and so why the hell are you still talking to her you get a notion that you should probably get back to studying because this ho is giving you a serious migraine and so you hang up and you look back at your book but you can't find your place in the book because you weren't using a highlighter damnit why wasn't i using a highlighter this sucks and then you realize that you were studying the wrong chapter all along and you look at the time and there's only a couple more hours that you have to study for this damn test and so you try to focus but you can't because you're all worked up over that bitch who just called and so you just say screw it and go to sleep because your serotonin levels are way too low and you need the sleep.
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