closing statements

a progression of pens

it's a shame i have horrible handwriting, because along with whiteboards, i enjoy a fine pen. and by fine pens, i of course mean a pilot precise v2 or a gel g2. the hallowed mont blancs and duponts are fairly outside of the amount of money i am willing to spend; i mean, they're not even called pens! they're called writing instruments. yeah, i don't write--i orchestrate essays. ha.

how to get more website traffic

invisalign sucks
what kind of specialty should i go into?
Rank Specialty Score
1 thoracic surgery 43
2 pathology 43
3 urology 42
4 radiology 41
5 neurosurgery 41
6 emergency med 41
7 cardiology 40
8 neurology 40
9 pulmonology 40
10 gastroenterology 40
11 aerospace med 40
12 preventive med 40
13 occupational med 38
14 allergy & immunology 38
15 general internal med 37
16 dermatology 37
17 endocrinology 37
18 infectious disease 37
19 plastic surgery 37
20 psychiatry 37
21 physical med & rehabilitation 36
22 nuclear med 36
23 ophthalmology 36
24 otolaryngology 35
25 orthopaedic surgery 35
26 nephrology 35
27 rheumatology 34
28 pediatrics 34
29 family practice 32
30 anesthesiology 32
31 colon & rectal surgery 31
32 general surgery 31
33 obstetrics/gynecology 30
34 radiation oncology 30
35 hematology 28
36 med oncology 24

books that every pre-med student should read

i love whiteboards

why universal healthcare is not a good idea, for dummies- a general overview
but universal, government run healthcare is not going to bring "high quality" health care. sure, the 40 million uninsured americans will have access to in/out patient healthcare, and not just the emergency room. but this large influx of "consumers," per se, will put a heavy strain on the medical workforce, resulting in longer waiting times and shorter doctor/patient interaction. and of course, by longer waiting times, i am not only referring to minutes and hours spent in the lobby waiting for your name to be called, but i'm also referring to the months and years one will have to wait for a surgical procedure or whatnot. in canada, with it's universal healthcare system already in place, it can take over 6 months for women to get a pap smear, which is frankly ridiculous.
while out-of-pocket expenses may go down, UHS will need heavy funding, which will come out of our taxes, aka taxpayer dollars. if it doesn't mean an increase in taxes, it will mean cutting government programs and funding for research or anything else the government will deem "more expendable."
those w/o medical insurance now are probably not too happy w/ the current system. however, here it becomes a moral issue: should those that can't afford medical care be allowed to piggyback off taxpayer's dollars? nevertheless, medical care can always be found: emergency rooms must treat patients regardless of insurance status, and there are plenty of privately and publicly owned clinics and hospitals that will do the same. one might argue that the quality of medical care from those clinics/hospitals will be worse than one attended by someone w/ medical insurance which brings up the moral dilemma, should those with money have better care than someone without? to this i answer, no, but it will inevitably happen in capitalism, returning back to the system we have now.
finally, let me re-mention that this will be run by a branch or agency of government. do we really want the government putting their hands though our medical records? do we really want the government controlling what they could make into a "privilege?" do we really want the government to instate its consistent motifs of inefficiency and red tape? fine, you can argue since everything is done by one organization, the process becomes simplified...streamlined, you might say. well, when was the last time you walked into the dmv? you could say i'm generalizing, but i find it hard to think up of better efficiency in the governmental sector, rather than private.
this whole thing just seems like another step towards big brother.
p.s. also, this whole thing about change is complete bs. ever since obama started chanting mantras such as "we are change" and "change we can believe in," "change" has been spreading like wildfire. it's used in fruity, superficial sayings such as "be the change." i admire and commend those who want to make a difference for the better. however, changing the current healthcare plan for the sake of "we are change" and "be the change" is ridiculous. instead of fanboying change, let's make sure we see what we are changing to.

how to import 3g2 or 3gp files into imovie

shaving is good
i like shaving while talking to people
it feels right
hahaha! i take it you are shaving now?
oh! hahaha.
that's rather impressive multi tasking
i've done better
well fine then.
semi impressive mulittasking
there we go

old phone phylogeny

the san diego county fair is horrible
have you gone to the fair yet?
or are you above such things?
i hate the fair
are you planning on going?
i thought you might haha.
it doesn't seem like it would fit into your picky life.
i haven't gone to the fair in 4 years
it sucks
it makes you sick
hahah it sounds like you had a bad experience
it was horrible
i felt like crap
and my glasses broke
and the year before that
my glasses got chipped
the fair is death
awww that's so sad!!
hahaha i guess that gives you good reason to hate it
it is a legit excuse
it really is.
broken glasses are nothing to sniff at.
or broken hearts
oh.. you didn't get your heart broken at the fair too did you?!
but that would have made the story that much better

why do people work out

this is how it should be

kumon sucks: a retrospective

mochi ice cream balls
there is this tasty doughy exterior that envelops an inner ball of icecream. the dough part is hard to describe--it's a chewy, stickyish, sweet dough not unlike cookie dough but more firm. there's a coating of flour on the outside so your fingers don't get sticky and gives it a nice texture. the ice cream inside is purely delectable. i'm not a huge ice cream person because my teeth get sensitive to cold quite easily but because of the dough wrapper part, i can preserve my teeth while eating ice cream. win win win.
it's summer now. summer of '09. this summer, for premeds, it is almost a necessity to get an internship or lab job of some sort. i do not have one. i have been busily emailing different scientists and researchers in my area which is really quite easy because san diego is bustling with research. really. come on. i have the grades. i have the sat score, if you still care about that. i have the extracurriculars. i have the awards. i don't understand. help me help you. gosh.
p.s. i realize i just sounded really arrogant. sorry. it happens.
p.s.s that previous p.s. made me sound even more of a douchebag.
i'll stop talking.

my new film

a recap of the past 2 months

post quarter reflection

paranoia of being sick